the BaCon language
Page partially updated March 15, 2011. Note that Wary Puppy has correct mime handling for BaCon and
editor with syntax highlighting
BaCon is a
structured-BASIC programming language. BASIC is sooo old! With so many
cool new languages around these days, why my interest in BaCon? Ah,
very good question, read on...
BaCon is developed by Peter van Eerten. What he wanted was a
programming language that is very easy to learn and use, and he chose
structured BASIC, which is the second-generation BASIC as explained in
the Wikipedia:
Probably the best place to get an overview of BaCon is to browse through Peter's BaCon home page:
I also recommend reading the official documentation:
One of the things that makes BaCon particularly interesting to me is the Highlevel Universal GUI (HUG):
BaCon in Puppy
Recent puppies have BaCon "builtin". That is, the "devx" SFS file,
which is our combo-pack with everything you need for compiling
applications, now has the BaCon compiler, and lots of documentation and
support files.
Read this page to find out about SFS files and how to install them:
Read this page to find out more about setting up your Puppy for compiling applications:
Wary Puppy, my long-term supported retro-Puppy, will usually have the
latest version of BaCon, as this is the Puppy that I normally use on a
daily basis. Find out more about Wary:

Puppy does not just have the compiler, there is also the NicoEdit text
editor with color syntax highlighting for BaCon, plus mime-handling is
setup to recognise BaCon .bac files as text/x-bacon. The ROX-Filer file
manager will display BaCon files with the image shown alongside, and
open the file in NicoEdit if clicked on. |
The guy who introduced me to BaCon is forum member 'vovchik'. He
started a thread on the Puppy Linux forum to discuss BaCon usage in
My BaCon tutorials
These are not rigorous tutorials, just my playing around:
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