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New theme for 4.1?

August 20, 2008 — BarryK
I wasn't going to bother, just have a different background -- maybe that guy on the bike. I did design a new 'Gradient-brown' GTK theme and 'Gradient-brown' JWM theme, that you will find in 4.1alpha6.

However, Lobster has suggested why not use those two Gradient-brown themes, with the 'Original' desktop icons (not in alpha6). I did also design 'Browndust' desktop icons, based on Stardust, but didn't think they looked nice -- they are available in alpha6 though.


I like 'em

Username: Flapdoodle
"Just my 2 cents... My preference is minimalistic with icons that are the least distracting and gray wallpaper. First impressions to prospective new Puppyites is important. There are a number of samples in the "My Puppy is more gorgeous than yours" thread that are attractive, professional, and eye catching.

Basic set please
Username: veronicathecow
"Having had detached retinas and cataracts a nice clear theme and no background (still haven't worked out how to not have a background) as an option in every Puppy would be much appreciated by myself and other users with eye problems. Many thanks Tony

More candy for the eyes
Username: linuxcbon
"Please something nice for the eyes, but not too flashy : Windows with round corners. Green, black, blue and pink are soft to the eyes. Notice that white, gray, yellow and square corners are not pleasant.

how to clear background
Username: pizzasgood
"To clear the background, right-click a desktop icon, click 'backdrop', and click 'clear'. I believe that should be permanent, unless Puppy 4 has some code to auto-set the background or something.

take a look on two-tray jwm!
Username: magerlab
"I suggest two trayed jwm to be by default in puppy. It looks very sylish and interesting ( see jwm themes topic on forum)

Username: Subito Piano
"I'd say keep it professional-looking, minimalistic, understated -- like Puppy itself -- attractive to new users; we want then to take it seriously. Personally, i like the blues but it's almost ubiquitous and something different might be refreshing. The gradient JWM was a wonderful visual improvement.

A new theme
Username: dogone
"Barry, I'd think very carefully before making significant changes. I say this because as one who stares at Puppy more than most in the world, you are least qualified to judge it's appearance. Puppy's looks must be developed with new users in mind, not it's regulars. Case in point - "brown". There's a reason MS and Apple did not choose brown. Millions spent on Marketing determined that users prefer blues and greens, etc. Ubuntu exemplifies what can happen when people too close to a product try to dress it up. We should take the hint and stick with color schemes extensively researched by the commercial distros. Puppy is already a very decent looking OS. I suggest building on that with subtle changes. Experiment with fonts, for example. Play with shading and gradients. The challenge is making Puppy look more contemporary, simple but not plain. Attractive without glitter. So please, proceed with caution. Make minimal but effective changes in each release and be sure to include the "Puppy X.x" scheme with every Puppy X.x+1. Some people won't want to change.

Tags: puppy