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Trim the fat

March 06, 2009 — BarryK
This is a nice extra feature for the Puppy Package Manager. After installing a package (or a package and its dependencies) you are given an offer to "trim the fat":

If you take up this offer, this is the next window:


Username: Lobster
Nice options. Would it be easy enough to add a help button, something like: <button help> <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Pwget - HELP" --msgbox "The available locale codes are en=English,fr=France etc W\n\n Woof Internationa, March 2009" 600x0`</action> </button> or directly calling /usr/sbin/countrywizard from a button I was not sure if my locale was 'en' or 'en_GB'

Tags: woof