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Installwatch was broken

April 16, 2009 — BarryK
There is a problem with the 'installwatch' utility used by the 'new2dir' script, when running Ubuntu or Debian Woof Pup builds. It is broken.

ttuuxx suggested that coreutils needs to be updated, but that didn't fix it for me (running Jaunty build).

'installwatch' is a script, which essentially just preloads a shared library. This can be reduced to just this:

# LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ cp -f replace /usr/bin
Segmentation fault this example, 'replace' is a utility, but it could be anything. Also trying 'mv replace /usr/bin', still the segmentation fault.

So, I wondered, if the versions of 'cp' and 'mv' are to blame. I got 'cp' out of Puppy 412, ....installwatch works! 'cp' and 'mv' are both in the coreutils package, which I had just compiled and installed the latest, version 7.2. Hmmmm.

So, I compiled coreutils version 6.12. Now installwatch works! So, using this pkg now for the Debian and Ubuntu builds.

Debian/Ubuntu use this pkg too, but I'm very suspicious of it. Sometime ago when working on pup 41x, I thought about upgrading the old 'util-linux' pkg to 'util-linux-ng' but I found the 'fdisk' utility to be very very slow. So, have decided to roll-back the Debian/Ubuntu builds to the older pkg.



out of subject
Username: linuxcbon
"do you also plan to : - have less /dev/hda, sda etc. - use export LANG=C in scripts - make a small /etc/profile - are pup_event needed ?

installwatch + Alpha4 QA
Username: ttuuxxx
"Hi Barry you have me a bit confused :) First you stated "ttuuxx suggested that coreutils needs to be updated, but that didn't fix it for me (running Jaunty build)." Then you stated "So, I compiled coreutils version 6.12. Now installwatch works! So, using this pkg now for the Debian and Ubuntu builds." I originally suggested that I compiled coreutils-7.2 and it worked, Then I updated it and said that it 80% was working and missing the skins directory on a few media players I was trying to compile. So What actually worked? Was it fully working? On another note when you go to updated to alpha4 will we be able to use our current setup directory's and just update a few scripts? Or will we have to start over from scratch? I've been having a heck of a time getting used to the flat black icons, So I built up a 236kb Gnome/Tango theme thats smaller than the flat orange and was wondering maybe we could use that? and the older mime puppy icons would go well with it? Is that possible? Thanks for your time ttuuxxx

coreutils versions
Username: BarryK
"ttuuxx, I compiled 7.2 but cp and mv still gave segmentation faults. So I compiled 6.12 and that works.

Tags: woof