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Locale handling in Puppy2

June 05, 2009 — BarryK
In the Woof build system, international locales are all built-in. At first boot you are asked to choose a locale for your region, and this can also be done later from the 'Desktop' menu. Note, the script that is run to do this is /usr/sbin/chooselocale, and this works with or without X (using 'Xdialog' or 'dialog').

In the Woof-Puppy4 build I used PET package '', however this is not compatible with Puppy2. Puppy2 has a very old version of glibc, 2.3.5. So, I compiled glibc-2.3.5, just to get the locale stuff, and have created ''.

Note that all the special packages that I am creating for the Woof-Puppy2 will be hosted in 'pet_packages-2' directory on

Tags: woof