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Crop background for widescreen

July 08, 2009 — BarryK
I reported on this yesterday:

Yes, 'pamcut' is better than 'pamdice'. Actually, pup 4.x has an older version of netpbm that has 'pnmcut' but it works the same as 'pamcut'.

I have modified /usr/sbin/background_reshape script so that an equal amount is trimmed off top and bottom of an image.

I am most amused by the "super pup" image created by 01micko, and reckon that would be a good default for the upcoming 416alpha.


Username: 01micko
Thanks Barry To that post I added a standard size wall of the super puppy pic with a 'P' and not the Slackware logo. I have a widescreen and am looking forward to trying out your new solution. Cheers

Tags: woof