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Barking dog wanted

November 12, 2009 — BarryK
Has anyone seen a picture of a barking dog online, that I could use for the Woof logo?

I'm currently using this, as a temporary placeholder:

I got that off the Internet somewhere and it may have license restrictions, like for personal use only.

Ideally I would like a circular logo, to match other logos on my website (and the Puppy logo).

I'm still experimenting with the Fossil version control system. The more I learn, the more I like it. My experimental setup has moved slightly:

...I'm going to start experimenting with putting some files into it, and generally play around. If my confidence reaches a certain level, then I'll "go for it" (Fossil as the official Woof version control, wiki and bug tracking system).


Barking dog found
Username: BarryK
I found two: [img][/img] [img][/img] That second one looks nice, but I can only find it in one place on the Internet and no copyright information. It looks like something that would have a license. Should I just use it? Yeah, if someone contacts me in the future and tells me hey you can't use that!, then I'll just change it.

Barking dog
Username: BarryK
"Here's one that's on a public-domain clipart site: [img][/img]

Fossil logo
Username: BarryK
"I have put one of the new images here: ...looks ok. Enough messing around. I want to get back onto the nitty gritty of getting up to speed with using Fossil.

Dogs and Dog signs
Username: Sertse
"Heh interesting, the last one you posted is the one used on my "Beware of Dog" sign What a coincidence :)

Ultimte desecration
Username: password
" [img][/img] /usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/mini-dog.xpm /usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/mini-cat.xpm are the images to mess with :)

Username: BarryK
"afgs, Very interesting!

Woof Image
Username: bigdog
"What about this one to show Woof and all the puppies it can produce? [img][/img]

Going with your circuler theme
Username: Kanolesic
"There's no need for much alteration to an already wonderful image. [img source="][/img]

Username: kanolesic
"Here's the img I ment to post. [img source=""][/img]

Username: BarryK
"kanolesic: [img][/img] ...type in the url, then you highlight the url, then click the 'url' button above.

No image
Username: BarryK
"kanolesic, Ah, no image. Probably your server is configured to block remote display of images. Need a link to your url:

Tags: woof