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Bones updated

December 10, 2009 — BarryK
I have improved the 'bones' script, and you now have to use this one. Get 'bones-10dec2009.gz' from here:

...gunzip it, set it executable, place at /usr/sbin.

The .delta files have a different naming, with both previous and latest dates in them.

There is improved database checking, and 'bones check' will perform a database integrity check.

If you have already downloaded Woof, running 'bones download' with the new script will automatically update to the new .delta files (I think).

I tested a brand new download, works fine.


woof update
Username: playdayz
It looks like maybe it didn't update automatically??? I did try bones download again, and got the same message. I was starting with the "REFERENCE" version of Woof (1202). Should I just start over with the latest; that sounds like a good idea though, avoiding some of the downloads ;-) [code]Building... xdelta3: file open failed: read: woof-./ No such file or directory ERROR! There seems to be a missing .delta file. A problem. Suggest run 'bones download' again. Not updating files in /root/woof-tree # [/code] The names of the delta files look suspicious, but I don't know what they are supposed to look like. [img][/img]

Re: bones
Username: BarryK
"playdayz, Er, did you update to the latest 'bones' script first? (10dec2209). If so, could you please post the content of 'commits' file. The new script is supposed to delete the old-format .delta files and also remove them from 'commits', so you shouldn't be having this problem. The .delta file now have two dates in them.

Username: playdayz
" Yes, I did update to the latest bones (DEC10). I put bones10dec2009 into /usr/sbin, and made a symlink to "bones." I then changed directories to "woof-tree" and ran "bones download." That is where I got the error. I did not run bones setup again (until I tried it later but no difference) Here is content of woof-bones/commits woof-20091202081304REFERENCE.tar.gz|737d98bb85ca08b1fcf9088851323f87|initial save of woof project to bones repository||4523aec199d29b572340195f84fd8118|second save, testing the save code in bones script||7981fd6c05e17e270bd46d32c14501fb|third test save||e8e27c4a398b57644acbf94b57e1156c|quirky boot splash, fix bones upload gftp||2a6f4194a1e09fef8b0ae119fa7e4322|created first public release of Quirky, version 001||46f4043c90ed745a89c2b94628d91f01|bones, renamed .delta files, improved repository integrity|

Tags: bones