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Ogle DVD player

January 01, 2010 — BarryK
We have been discussing a major rethink about multimedia packages in our puppies:

I downloaded Ogle and Ogle_gui (GTK2 application) from the project home, but I found both to be buggy. But yes, they do work, and very light-weight.

But I have just now found that the Debian guys have been patching both ogle and ogle_gui, right up until 2008:

So, it's looking like Dpup and Quirky are undergoing major changes in the multimedia arena!

Tonight I'm going to go through and recompile ffmpeg, without x264 only xvid -- as tempestuous suggested. I'll dump xine and gxine. Ogle_gui for playing DVDs, ffplay for video files. The Adobe Flash player is also gone, replaced with Swfdec. This will all be in Quirky 003, which I hope to upload in a couple of days.

If you want to see ffplay in action as a media player, gposil has just released Dpup 484beta1:


Username: ttuuxxx
Hi Barry as windows shares etc goes, rdesktop cli is a start and then I found a very creative bash gui frontend basically it adds upto 119kb to have windows shares. rdesktop --> XDrdesktop --> or if you want to try it, a pet for 2.14X is located at [img][/img] ttuuxxx

md5 always in error
Username: escucha
"Please chech dpup 484 server md5 always getting error

x264 needed for mp4 players
Username: technosaurus
"x264 is used as the native format by ipod, blackberry, psp and many other mp4 players and video sites. Woo-ff uses that format to create videos for them. One other ?? Without the gxine plugin, how is normal embedded video handled? swfdec? like this (add to body of html template) <EMBED type='application/x-mplayer2' src="" autostart="true" designtimesp='5311' loop="true"></EMBED>

x264 needed for mp4 players
Username: technosaurus
"x264 is used as the native format by ipod, blackberry, psp and many other mp4 players and video sites. Woo-ff uses that format to create videos for them. One other ?? Without the gxine plugin, how is normal embedded video handled? swfdec? like this (add to body of html template) <EMBED type='application/x-mplayer2' src="" autostart="true" designtimesp='5311' loop="true"></EMBED>

Username: Tony
"Hi Barry, SMPlayer is a frontend for Mplayer and whilst it is not perfect it offers a very good range of features. Aspect ratio, rotate 90, -90, mirror, flip, full screen, compact, size as %, contrast, brightness, audio equalizer, and stacks more and everything is configurable, set any button to do any function! Not sure size wise but it's become my default player above Kaffeine, VLC etc. Cheers Tony

dumping xine and gxine player
Username: hailpuppy
"Hi Barry, downloded Quirky yesterday and i love it!its small yet powerful as a normal puppy.Any way this is regarding your idea of dumping Gxine player. I couldnt play MATROSKA in worked with VLC but I prefer if you can kindly consider this issue to be solved with your future plans for Quirky. Any ways thanks a lot for giving the world the most wonderful linux distro,Puppy.

Video support
Username: JohnMurga
"Hi, Although I normally keep my opinions to myself video is close to my heart :-) The videos from my cameras are all H.264, and a lot of the content I have is H.264_Vorbis ... Not supporting this out of the box would be a shame :-( I am pretty excited about Swfdec though :-) Cheers JohnM

small Media Players
Username: ttuuxxx
"Since your going to include SDL there are a few small mediaplayers that could be possible, I compiled them a few years back but then lost interest. Anyways here's a few links to a couple different ones. The first one is the only one I haven't tried and also looks like the best one. ttuuxxx

doesn't ogle need hardware video acceleration
Username: disciple
"Hi guys, IIRC ogle has some sort of limitation like not being able to zoom the window (e.g. to fullscreen) unless you have hardware video acceleration... or maybe not working at all if you are using Xorg without hardware acceleration. Can anyone remember what the exact problem is?

Ogle and full-screen
Username: BarryK
"Yeah, with Quirky 002 there was only the Xorg 'vesa' generic video driver, and Ogle could not zoom the video. However with Quirky 003 I have brought in most of the Xorg video drivers, and now Ogle does full-screen. Well, on my laptop anyway -- I have Intel video hardware.

Tags: puppy