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SDL compile howto

January 11, 2010 — BarryK
Just for the record, this is how I compiled SDL and the extras for Quirky. I compiled SDL recently as it is needed for the 'ffplay' utility in ffmpeg. Then a couple of days ago I compiled the extras:

SDL 1.2.14

# ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-t2-linux-gnu --disable-esd --disable-pulseaudio --disable-arts --disable-mintaudio --disable-video-cocoa --disable-video-directfb --disable-video-opengl --enable-nasm --disable-video-photon --disable-video-carbon --disable-video-ps2gs --disable-video-ps3 --disable-video-ggi --disable-video-vgl
# make
# new2dir make install

sdl_mixer 1.2.11
# ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-t2-linux-gnu --disable-music-mod --disable-music-midi --enable-music-mp3-mad-gpl
# make
# new2dir make install

SDL_image 1.2.10
# ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-t2-linux-gnu
# make
# new2dir make install

SDL_ttf 2.0.9
# ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-t2-linux-gnu
# make
# new2dir make install

Note that the default of SDL_mixer is to require the 'smpeg' package to provide mp3 audio support. However, the '--enable-music-mp3-mad-gpl' option makes it use 'libmad' instead.

Even so, when I was compiling SDL games, I came across some that require the 'smpeg' package.

Just a little note on the side:
this could be completely wrong, I just got the vibes that things have moved on since SDL was at it's heyday. A bit like Tcl/Tk. Libraries like 'cairo' in GTK have made GTK coding of games more than competitive? I dunno, this is a very superficial assessment, as I say, just some vibes I got while browsing. You are welcome to shoot me down on this one.

Tags: quirky