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Experimental unofficial Puppy 4.3.2

February 08, 2010 — BarryK
Here it is again, with the fix for ROX-Filer:

The ISO has all the modem drivers in it, which is why it is a bit big (112MB). SCSI drivers are missing.

There is a forum thread for feedback:

I'm only really interested in bug reports of a certain type: if something worked in 4.3.1 but not in this 4.3.2 build. It would be nice to know about the reverse also: something that did not work in 4.3.1 and does in 4.3.2.

I must reiterate that I did not create this with the intention that it will be the next official 4.3.2 release. I'm mostly just wanting to know that Woof builds a sane Puppy 4.x.


delta.. careful
Username: 01micko
Hi Barry I started to download the delta file then realised I only have the pup-431-small iso... that wouldn't work. Cheers

Username: wombat01
"Barry 432 stops loading when the "Loading Kernel Module" message appears. md5sum matches so the download was good. I will try another burn tonight. Grant (smokey01)

Username: 01micko
"Hi Barry I thought I better report this one straight away, a bug in dir2pet. I made a simple script based pet and it failed ... see the forum thread lobster started. I suppose it would have implications for all woof builds from the latest woof. I should have tested your scripts posted on the forum, I'm guessing people downloaded but didn't test! Plenty have downloaded! Cheers

No bug
Username: 01micko
"Sorry, no bug, oops. Didn't realise I couldn't make a pet while running "pfix=ram". Or should I be able to? It works fine after I make a pupsave.

Username: BarryK
"Recent blog post:

Damn Good
Username: DaveS
"Odd really, I really like this version. OpenOffice SEEMS to render better and the screen SEEMS to redraw quicker. No bugs in the .iso, but I found Petmaker would not work with included dir2pet. Swapped it for one in 4.3.1 and it is fine. I love the way your stuff has so few bugs, really helps a dunce like me................

Tags: puppy