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2.6.34 kernel

June 27, 2010 — BarryK
I have uploaded the 2.6.34 patched kernel source here:
Username: pu#p#py Password: l#in#ux (remove the #s)

As well as the usual patches, this also has the Longene patch:


The patches, including extra manual patches (hacks) that I had to do to get the Longene driver to work, are described here:

As the kernel is configured with SMP turned off, and has the rtl8192su/vortex86mx patches, this kernel should be excellent for the Gecko netbook.

I am pleased to report that I have successfully compiled the following analog modem drivers with this kernel:

slmodem (slamr, slusb)

...I had to patch a few of these.

Soon I will upload a PET of this kernel, for use in Woof.

If all goes well with further testing, the next Quirky will have this kernel.


Quirky 1.3
Username: perthie
Before switching kernels, would you consider releasing a Quirky 1.3 that has all the current patches for 1.2? It would be a final stable version for that series."27 Jun 2010, 21:03"01682"'Quirky and Longene = NO GOOD :("panzerpuppy"Please make a standard version of Quirky 1.3 with the older 2.6.23.x kernel, with SMP enabled, without the longene kernel and *NOT* based on Slackware packeges. 2.6.34 + Longene = *NO GOOD* for multithreaded/multicore PC and the kernel is way too new to be supported by the proprietary ATI drivers :( Leave 2.6.34 + Longene + Slack for Wary. It's a best fit for really old hardware (with ancient single-core,single-threaded CPUs) Username: 27 Jun 2010, 21:53
"01682"'Re Next Quirky"BarryK"Yeah, I should bring out Quirky 1.3 which is continuation of 1.2. That is, based on T2, same kernel as 1.2, with multimedia upgrades and various fixes. Username: 27 Jun 2010, 23:10
"01682"'SeaMonkey 2.0.5 is out - critical security fixes"panzerpuppy"A new version of SeaMonkey (2.0.5) is out with many critical security fixes. Username: 28 Jun 2010, 2:18
"01682"'ALSA 1.0.23"BarryK"I am compiling ALSA 1.0.23 with the 2.6.34 Longene kernel. Primary reason for doing this is that 2.6.34 has ALSA and I checked on the Conexant site -- no ALSA patch available. There is a patch for ALSA 1.0.23, to better support Conexant modems -- thanks to rerwin who sent that to me -- so I have decided to upgrade. As I have already succeeded in compiling many modem drivers, I would like to add the Conexant drivers also. That is rerwin's area of speciality. Username: 28 Jun 2010, 8:54
"01682"'dgcmodem driver"BarryK"I have also compiled rerwin's dgcmodem 1.10 modem driver. So what modem drivers have failed to compile so far: [i]ess 536 536 hsfmodem hcfpcimodem martian[/i] Username: 28 Jun 2010, 9:24
"01682"'Root password implementation on Quirky Logene"misfire"Barry I suggest that you must implement root password on quirky longene upon full installation due security concerns because of windows viruses and malwares. Since longene can run and install windows and its drivers, so it can execute the virus also. If someone dont like the quirky longene, then release the quirky in 2 flavors. the one is linux kernel and the other one is lognene kernel."28 Jun 2010, 9:28"01682"'PS/2 touchscreen support"tempestuous"Barry, when preparing new kernels for Puppy, just a reminder that users of PS/2-based touchscreens need the touchscreen function enabled in the PS/2 kernel module, please."28 Jun 2010, 14:39"01682"'Touchscreen?"BarryK"tempestuous, I'm not sure what you mean. The configuration of the latest 2.6.34 kernel has this: [i]CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_ALPS=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_LOGIPS2PP=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTICS=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_LIFEBOOK=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TRACKPOINT=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_ELANTECH=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SENTELIC=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TOUCHKIT=y[/i] ...would that last one be what you want? The help in the kernel source has this for CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TOUCHKIT: [i]Say Y here if you have an eGalax TouchKit PS/2 touchscreen connected to your system.[/i] So yes, that is enabled. Username: 28 Jun 2010, 18:35
"01682"'eGalax TouchKit"tempestuous"Yes, TouchKit is the relevant setting. This will enable the mouse driver to read eGalax touchscreen events, and will then work in conjuction with the "evtouch" Xorg input plugin."28 Jun 2010, 18:51"01682"'xf86-input-evtouch?"BarryK"Slackware 13.1 doesn't have an 'xf86-input-evtouch' package. Only these: [code]xf86-input-acecad-1.4.0|xf86-input-acecad|1.4.0|1|BuildingBlock|60K|slackware/x|xf86-input-acecad-1.4.0-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs,+sysfsutils|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-aiptek-1.3.0|xf86-input-aiptek|1.3.0|1|BuildingBlock|60K|slackware/x|xf86-input-aiptek-1.3.0-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-evdev-2.3.3|xf86-input-evdev|2.3.3|1|BuildingBlock|100K|slackware/x|xf86-input-evdev-2.3.3-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-joystick-|xf86-input-joystick||1|BuildingBlock|100K|slackware/x|xf86-input-joystick-|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-keyboard-1.4.0|xf86-input-keyboard|1.4.0|1|BuildingBlock|80K|slackware/x|xf86-input-keyboard-1.4.0-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-mouse-1.5.0|xf86-input-mouse|1.5.0|1|BuildingBlock|180K|slackware/x|xf86-input-mouse-1.5.0-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-penmount-1.4.1|xf86-input-penmount|1.4.1|1|BuildingBlock|40K|slackware/x|xf86-input-penmount-1.4.1-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-synaptics-1.2.2|xf86-input-synaptics|1.2.2|1|BuildingBlock|130K|slackware/x|xf86-input-synaptics-1.2.2-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs,+libX11,+libXau,+libXdmcp,+libXext,+libXi,+libXtst,+libpciaccess,+libxcb,+pixman|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-vmmouse-12.6.9|xf86-input-vmmouse|12.6.9|2|BuildingBlock|80K|slackware/x|xf86-input-vmmouse-12.6.9-i486-2.txz|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-void-1.3.0|xf86-input-void|1.3.0|1|BuildingBlock|40K|slackware/x|xf86-input-void-1.3.0-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| xf86-input-wacom-0.10.5|xf86-input-wacom|0.10.5|1|BuildingBlock|170K|slackware/x|xf86-input-wacom-0.10.5-i486-1.txz|+glibc-solibs,+libX11,+libXau,+libXdmcp,+libXext,+libXi,+libxcb|For more information about the X.Org Foundation the providers of| [/code] Username: 28 Jun 2010, 20:47
"01682"'longene and security"Pizzasgood"We already have a root password, at least in Puppy - it is "woofwoof". Puppy just doesn't ask you for it. I don't know for certain, but I'm fairly confident that Quirky also has a root password. Even if it didn't, all you would have to do to set it is run the [b]passwd[/b] command. (To have it make you login on bootup, you need to also edit the /etc/inittab file. Search the forum for instructions, pretty simple modification.) Regardless, having a root password does absolutely nothing to make the system more secure from malware (whether linux or windows malware) unless you typically log in under a limited account - which still only protects the core OS and other users of your computer, but not your own personal data. Hmmm, according to the following link, longene doesn't work well with limited users. Second of all, yes, Longene lets you run windows malware. But that malware still has to get onto your computer somehow. Where do you suppose the malware will come from? If it's from an infected program that you install, that is your own problem to solve - nothing the OS can do will help you, short of antivirus that is. That also applies to pure linux as well. Another source, in the windows world, is from websites that compromise your browser. Websites that attempt to install windows malware through such methods are going to target windows vulnerabilities in windows browsers. While you could run a windows browser with Longene, you would most likely be running a linux browser. Yet another source of problems in windows is disks and drives that have autorun code. I don't know if longene does anything to add support for that. If they do, hopefully it is disabled by default. Linux itself doesn't have any built in support for such nonsense, but it can be manually set up through the 'udev' system without much hassle. What about people who straight-up hack into your machine? You're running linux, not windows. Specifically, a linux that doesn't come with any web-facing services enabled by default. That automatically makes you much harder to hack into than a windows computer. Sure, you can run windows code, but your system isn't automatically starting up all the dumb junk that a full windows OS runs in the background. Hackers aren't magic (mostly) and need a vector of attack. Puppy (and I presume Quirky) by default offer very little in that regard. Of course, somebody could still try to gain access to your machine through linux-based attacks. But they could do that anyway, without you using Longene. Longene just gives them more options once they get into your machine, but they still have to get into it first. One thing to be cautious of, which I sort of touched above, is that running insecure windows software could expose you. E.g. if you were perverted enough to use longene run IIS or IE, you would be opening yourself up to all kinds of problems."28 Jun 2010, 21:29"01682"'re: longene and security"mistfire"oh really, I didn't notice it. Does the Longene have a winecfg or any configuration apps for wine?"29 Jun 2010, 9:19"01682"'Xorg touchscreen plugins"tempestuous"So it seems that Slackware 13.1 is missing ALL Xorg touchscreen input plugins (there are 10 or so). Hopefully Ubuntu-Puppies will have these plugins available."29 Jun 2010, 20:55"01682"'re: longene and security"Pizzasgood"Good question. I'm guessing they probably kept winecfg, but I don't really know."29 Jun 2010, 24:31"01682"'

Tags: quirky