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Pwallpaper 1.1.2

October 21, 2010 — BarryK
I can't fix Nathan's Wallpaper Setter in Wary 0.9. There are two bugs -- one of them was how the radiobuttons work and I fixed that, however the file "chooser" window hangs and that seems to be a problem with the upgraded GTK.

So, I have gone back to Pwallpaper. Previously that was crashing, but it seems to be that it needs some files out of Nathan's Wallpaper Setter.

I think that I have fixed Pwallpaper and have created a new PET '', that will be available for all Woof-built puppies. This will be in the next Wary.

Note, Lucid Puppy uses a package named 'wallpaper_lucid' and I haven't tried that in Wary.


Username: playdayz
[i]Note, Lucid Puppy uses a package named 'wallpaper_lucid' and I haven't tried that in Wary.[/i] wallpapaer_lucid is just a collection of backgrounds. Lucid is still using Nathan's Wallpapaer Setter which seems to be working--but Lucid has not upgraded to the very latest gtk+ (which gave us trouble).

alternative wallpapers
Username: zygo
"Barry, Does Pwallpaper allow the addition of alternative wallpapers? Nathan's doesn't allow this in Quirky 1.3.

Re Pwallpaper
Username: BarryK
"I think that Pwallpaper is hard-coded to look in /usr/share/backgrounds only. So, whatever you put in there is available to be selected.

Tags: woof