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Service Pack for Wary 5.1.1

March 03, 2011 — BarryK
I have created a Service Pack for Wary 5.1.1, specifically for testing the upgraded and improved (hopefully) USB 3G modem support.

The upgrade to usb-modeswitch 1.1.7 was described in the previous blog post:

This Service Pack has those three PETs, plus upgraded /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, /usr/sbin/pupdial_init_hotpluggable.

Try this with your 3G modem! test with coldplugging (modem plugged in before bootup) and hotplugging (modem plugged in after bootup).

Download Service Pack (123KB):

Any other Puppy built from Woof dated March 2, 2011, may also apply this Service Pack. It may also apply ok to earlier puppies such as Wary 5.0 and others that have used the 'zzz' package -- or if not, you could try installing 'zzz' then this Service Pack.


Opera 11.10 preview SFS
Username: Terryphi
I have created an SFS of Opera 11.10 preview version and intend maintaining up-to-date versions of Opera. More details in the forum:

WARY extension question
Username: GCMartin
"What is the official method for LIveDVD WARY users to employ the DEVX SFS? If there is no "official" method, what is a recommended method for employing any SFS on LIveDVD? Thanks in advance. P.S. I had asked this in the forum, but no replies. I then thought that maybe my request in the forum is under the wrong thread.

WARY extensions SHOULD BE PETs
Username: GCMartin
"Please accept my apologies for this question on the WARY thread and HERE! I JUST FOUND THIS IN [url=]Barry's Writeup "The packages used to build Wary were originally compiled from source in T2, then binary PET packages created. Wary is now built with PET packages, with a small but growing repository. As Wary is intended to be a long-term-supported project" I have gotten some conflicting information from another developer. Again sorry for this comment question.

devx sfs in multisession-dvd
Username: BarryK
"GCMartin, yes there is an official method, if I can remember what it is. Download the devx sfs to "/" then reboot your multisession dvd. The sfs should get saved to dvd, then at next boot it should be available for the Boot Manager to load. Hopefully, I don't think that this has been tested for a long time.

Username: BarryK
"Michalis, Thanks for the info, I have put that in. Note, /usr/local/bin/defaulthandler is due for a major overhaul, sometime.

Username: zigbert
"abushcrafter shipped the idea about a defaultsoundplayer. - playing a sound for human feedback or any other reason for a sound without showing a gui. I have improved Pmusic to meet this idea. Previously, I added the -b switch to start Pmusic without the gui (hide from tray-app). But since it still interacts with playlist and other index databases, it is slow at startup and doesn't act like a standalone cli-app. Version 1.6.4 introduce the -B switch that just play the audio-file without any interference of the managing features in Pmusic. Sigmund

I would recommend having "defaultsoundplayer".
Username: abushcrafter
"I would recommend having "defaultsoundplayer" anyway so people like me are not stuck to have Pmusic installed. If one has a CL only pup you don't want to have to have a GUI app to play a sound. It's extra KB you don't need or want. With "defaultsoundplayer" it means one can globally set the appropriate app to play a sound.

Tags: wary