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nVidia download fixed

August 29, 2011 — BarryK
Sage reported that the nVidia driver upgrade was broken in Wary Yes, I found out why. Although I don't have an nVidia card, I can temporarily fool the script into thinking there is one, which is what I should have done before, to verify that the script works.

I have fixed scripts /usr/local/video_upgrade/video_upgrade_wizard and /usr/local/video_upgrade/which_nvidia_pkg.


How to get nVidia support
Username: GCMartin
@Barry or @Sage, Could a post of directions to get nVidia driver support on LiveCD be shared in the forum? Should we start with VESA then follows some steps after desktop? Thanks

nVidia support
Username: BarryK
"When the "Welcome 1st boot" window appears, it says to click on the 'setup' icon to do various things, such as upgrade X drivers. If you click on the 'setup' icon, there is a choice labeled 'Upgrade X drivers...". Doesn't need any instructions, new users should discover it right off. It is fixed for the 5.1.4 final.

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