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Pcdripper, close-dvd+rwtools

August 31, 2011 — BarryK
I have upgraded to plinej's latest audio CD ripper, version 3.8.4.

Zigbert has a utility available, a binary executable named 'close', in PET package 'close-dvd+rwtools'. This is used by Pburn to fixate DVDs, if present.

I don't know where the source code of 'close' is.

I have put both of these in the 'common' repo, will upload soon.


The close command source
Username: plinej
The close command was an example program to fixate dvds included in an old version of dvd+rw-tools. As far as I know they never added the same capability to growisofs for whatever reason. You can get the source from the Pburn thread on page 45:

close source
Username: BarryK
"Jason, Thanks for that. I have created a tarball named 'close-1.tar.gz' with explanation inside it how to compile -- note, the dvd+rw-tools source needs 'gcc43.patch' from T2 to compile. The 'close' source is in my source repo:

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