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Busybox 1.19.2

September 23, 2011 — BarryK
I have compiled the latest Busybox and put it into the 'common' repo (387KB):

However, this is not a PET that you can install into Puppy as-is. It is for Woof-built puppies and will need the Woof that I will upload soon.

I have resolved a long-standing problem with Busybox, the conflict between the naming of Busybox applets and "full" utilities. Now, the Busybox PET can have all the applet symlinks set to their proper names, and script 3builddistro discovers any conflict with full utility names, and automatically renames a conflicting Busybox applet with post-fix "-BB-NOTUSED".

Great, the Busybox developers have fixed the "grep -f EMPTY_FILE" bug!

These are some of the new applets, relative to earlier 1.17.2 PET:

Request or set Linux serial port information

Print or check SHA1 checksums

Enable/disable wireless devices

Preload FILEs to RAM

Display process tree, optionally start from USER or PID

Show current directory for PIDs


busybox, xfprot
Username: technosaurus
you can mv busybox to /usr/busybox/busybox & change PATH to /bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R7/bin:/root/my-applications/bin:/usr/busybox:/usr/games then run [code]cd /usr/busybox for FILE in `busybox --list`; do echo ln -s busybox $FILE;done[/code] btw the fprot download is now: We could save a few 40kb compressed by just modifying the wrapper to petget xfprotgtk as well

enable vi regex
Username: broomdodger
"A new option in Busybox 1.19.2 is regex search in vi. I compiled Busybox 1.19.2 and it seems to work. Would you be willing to enable, it is disabled with the defconfig: CONFIG_FEATURE_VI_REGEX_SEARCH=y Generally I compile the full vim for myself. But for other people I do not. It is nice to be able to use vi and better when I can use regex.

vi regex search
Username: BarryK
"broomdodger, Thanks for the feedback. I recompiled Busybox with vi regex search enabled, and have re-uploaded the PET.

Tags: puppy