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Flash player automatic download

September 26, 2011 — BarryK
Back in October 2010 I setup semi-automatic downloading of the Adobe Flash Player, see blog report:

However, that is broken. I have fixed it. The script /usr/sbin/delayedrun, which runs after X has started, if it sees that the Flash Player is not installed, it goes into a loop waiting until Puppy has established an Internet connection. It then offers to download the player.

Note that the latest player has an executable 'flash-player-properties', for setting preferences. The delayedrun script also fixes the .desktop file for this. Note that the executable crashes on Wary, but only when one of the tabs is selected. Haven't tried Racy yet.

This is in Woof, so affects all Woof-built puppies. I am planning to build the next Wary and Racy without the Flash Player builtin, as it saves about 5MB. I am planning to build a very trim Racy, about 100MB.

Tags: woof