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JWM menu icon

September 12, 2011 — BarryK
I was playing with a new theme for my experimental Wary "5.2", when I noticed that the 'area042' icon set has a file 'start-button.png' in it (I think that theme was put together by forum member steve_s, but not sure).

That triggered my memory. Back in the Community Edition Puppy 4.1.2, it was popular to have a special icon for the start-menu, instead of the little dog picture with text "Menu" alongside it that is in current Woof-built puppies. I think that they hard-coded the name of this as /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/start-button.png.

If any icon theme has this same 'start-button.png', then it will be used by JWM if that theme is chosen. Well, that was the case back in 4.1.2.

I have decided to support this in Woof. When a theme is chosen in '3builddistro' when building a Puppy, if that theme has 'start-button.png' then rootfs-complete/root/.jwmrc-tray is modified to use that icon instead of the little-doggy-and-Menu-text.

I also modified rootfs-complete/usr/sbin/icon_switcher and icon_switcher_cli to do the same. If the chosen theme has 'start-button.png' then is is used, if not then reverts to the little doggy.

I have only done this for JWM.


Username: technosaurus
I haven't added support for groups, keys or trays yet;but will put this in the plan for trays. Thanks for posting about it. L18L has produced a nice yad-based frontend. The roadmap is 0.8 with groups, 0.9 with keybindings and 1.0 with trays (pretty much everything else is already implemented including submenus, a drive tray with device handler, image viewer, notifications, multiple per-desktop backgrounds, a multiuser aware sfs linker... and still building the menu in less than 1/4 second) The other thing I miss from 4.2 was the additional keybindings, which will be part of jwm-tools-0.9.

Tags: woof