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Woof '2compat2pets', '3compat2pets'

September 09, 2011 — BarryK
This is very specialized, only of interest to me and perhaps one or two others.

I reran the compile of packages in T2, with Xorg 7.3, mesa 6.5.2. I reran it because I wanted all package versions other than Xorg and mesa to be the same versions for the build with Xorg 7.5. Previously, there were different versions of pixman, which I thought might perhaps cause a conflict.

Anyway, having done the compile in T2, I created two new scripts in Woof to convert all of the T2 binary packages into PETs. It is a rather roundabout way of doing it. With file DISTRO_SPECS setup with:


I ran these scripts, in this order:

1 ./0pre
2 ./0setup
3 ./support/2compat2pets
4 ./2createpackages
5 ./3builddistro
6 ./support/3compat2pets

This has created a directory 'new-pets' with every binary package compiled in T2 converted to PETs. File 'z-new-pets-db' has all of the database entries.

Running 2createpackage and 3builddistro is not for building a usable Puppy. It only sets things up for 3compat2pets to perform the conversion to PETs with maximum optimizations.

Afterward, I can merge these PETs into directory packages-pet-wary5 and then change DISTRO_SPECS back to building a Wary Puppy.


ntfs-3g template

ntfs-3g template fix
Username: pemasu
"I can confirm this need also. It would be nice to have it in woof already. Cheers.

re ntfs3g template
Username: BarryK
"Ok, done.

Username: BarryK
"I have created another script, step 7: [i]7 ./support/3mergepets[/i] merge the newly-created PETs into the existing ones.

re ntfs-3g template
Username: BarryK
"Actually, the way it is supposed to work, is that if a 0-byte file named say 'ntfs-3g' is in /bin in the template, then 2createpackages is supposed to find it where ever it is in the compat-distro binary pkg, and put it into /bin. would seem that that mechanism is not working for you.

Tags: woof