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Woof2: Fossil is back

November 25, 2011 — BarryK
Those who have been around for awhile might recall that I had a brief fling with Fossil, a simple project Version Control System (VCS), toward the end of 2009.

Fossil has some limitations, that I managed to work around, however the lack of support for symlinks was too difficult to work around. At that stage, I developed my own very basic Version Control System named Bones.

However, Fossil now supports symlinks, which prompted me to reconsider using Fossil.

Woof2 is a complete re-think of Woof, with two main advantages over Woof1:

1. Supports multiple architectures (exs: x86, arm)
2. VCS (Version Control System) friendly

It is a work in progress, but I have now got it online with Fossil. Finally, we will have a bug-reporting system, that comes with Fossil!

I won't give out the URL to access it just yet, as it needs some more sanity testing. Hopefully very soon though.


/usr in main SFS
Username: Iguleder1
Barry, have you considered to move everything except the initramfs to /usr, inside the main SFS? The Fedora and OpenSUSE guys have great arguments for this move and maybe we could benefit from it. The main SFS is read-only anyway, so maybe we could benefit from moving all the non-crucial stuff from the initramfs to /usr and making the initramfs mount the main SFS under /usr, without need for Aufs/UnionFS.

Username: Iguleder1
"Barry, something I already mentioned a while ago - a static mplayer2 package (against libav) seems to be much smaller than a traditional FFmpeg one. People also report mplayer2 handles subtitles better. Today I finally decided to an experiment and compare its size to that of my MPlayer package; [url=]here[/url] is the result. This script compiles a static and small libav and builds a mplayer2 binary that links against it. Previously, I built MPlayer with a static FFmpeg. It's kinda nice - the result is a 2-2.5 MB package, compared to 3.1 MB. It's a "Swiss knife" for multimedia, contained in one small package (I mean, it's huge, but still - way smaller than separate packages). Also, a very nice bonus it gives is the ability to use it as a webcam viewer, e.g: [code]mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=768:height=450:device=/dev/video0 -fps 30[/code] That's a zero-cost webcam viewer that is more stable than the ugly Luvcview. I'm very pleased with the result and I'm definitely going to use it for my future Puppy builds :)

Tags: woof