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ROX-Filer: Open With menu icons

May 21, 2012 — BarryK
My ROX-Filer PET packages have never had icons in the "Open With..." menu. That is, you get a list of applications, abiword, geany, gnumeric, etc., but with generic icons alongside.

It is only a small thing perhaps, but it is nice to have the appropriate icon for each application. So, I have implemented that and updated the ROX-Filer PET package.

PET here (376KB):


Username: L18L
Yes it is really nice but most of the menu entries are duplicated [img][/img] Maybe it is in my installation only?

duoble icons
Username: K Godt
"L18L : Do you have /root/.config/ /root/.config/ folders or symlinks ? At a second look there are only few, not most icons duplicated .

remove original symlinks
Username: jrb2
"The duplicates are from the original Rox-Filer used in Woof. Apply[code]for z in `ls /initrd/pup_ro2/root/.config/`; do rm -f /root/.config/$z; done[/code] and those original links will go away

Re icons
Username: L18L
"@Karl, SendTo is a link to folder Openwith @jrb2, thanks, that has fixed it permanently.

AllWinner A10
Username: Dougal
"Barry, there's a new A10 device out:

Tags: puppy