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Raspberry Pi GPU driver open-sourced

October 25, 2012 — BarryK
Forum members pakt and Dougal have been very excited to inform us about this:

Yes, this looks like a game-changer.

Heh, heh, I see from the comments in the above link, there is some criticism regarding just how much is open source and what is still hidden as a firmware/binary blob.

It will be very exciting when a hardware-accelerated driver emerges for that GPU.

I will dust off my RP, but for now have a few things to do with Woof -- work is needed on MoManager and the PPM.


RP criticism
Username: BarryK
Interesting response:

Username: puppy_apprentice
"in reading comments on this topic (RPi and OS) i've found this project:

Username: Sage
"Probably, the one factor that makes support for the RPi project is that the Farnell/element14 operation is run as a charity, like the OLPC, aims to reintroduce [i]real[/i] programming skills to the education system and has aspirations to extend to buy-one-gift-one (and other?) beneficent schemes. Linux developers already provide their talents gratis so this makes their generosity even more worthwhile. There will be technical and logistical limitations and issues along the way, but there isn't a gargantuan multi-national syphoning off resources at the end of the rainbow!

Tags: general