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Raring Ringtail touch demo

February 13, 2013 — BarryK
This is quite an impressive video. It shows a recent snapshot of Ubuntu 13.01 Raring Ringtail on a 27 inch touch screen, doing everything by touch:


touch screen technology

Touch me in the morning
Username: nickdobrinich
"30 years ago touch was a disaster on this HP150 machine. Your arms quickly tired of leaving the keyboard to go to the screen. One quickly learned all the keyboard shortcuts for Wordstar and dBase II. I've despised touch ever since.

choice is good
Username: darkcity
"while not a fan myself I think its great that the choices of input devices for linux is expanding ; -)

Username: GCMartin
"As the world continues to expand in the use of touch and talk devices, Puppy can too. Good read @BarryK. Thanks. We can see you're looking ahead for us.

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