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report-video fixed

February 15, 2013 — BarryK
This is the script built-in to Woof, at /usr/sbin/report-video.

Forum member don570 reported a bug, it did not report that the 'nouveau' driver was in use, on his system. He sent me the output of TaZoc's Sys-Info, and I was able to figure out the cause.

In /var/log/Xorg.0.log, the 'nouveau' module gets loaded, then it gets loaded again, then the second load gets unloaded as Xorg realises that nouveau is already loaded (!)
Anyway, I needed to count the loads and unloads to accurately catch this situation.

Woof commit:


nV woes
Username: Sage
Yesterday, I reported inability to run an old GeF2 card on Slacko5.4.0.3 by any means. This is not the first time by me or quite a few others that've had issues, mainly unshiftable black screening, with nV cards. Ironically, it posed no problem with the latest Precise. Any connection?

report-video now works
Username: don570
" Report-video now works with my nvidia card NVIDIA Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2)

Translate right click package
Username: don570
" I put this version of report-video in my right click menu option package Also people who want a translation of this package into their language should read this message.

Tags: woof