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Drive hotplug server for IPC

June 29, 2013 — BarryK
I reported yesterday on a new pup_event IPC infrastructure for Puppy:

I have now enhanced pup_event_frontend_d to feed drive hotplug events to any client via the IPC mechanism. I have updated the README page to explain this:

Woof commit:

I have updated the jwm and bacon PETs to very latest versions (compiled in Wary, also for ARM in the Mele 1000, running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx).

I intend to build Raring pup alpha2 in a day or two, to test the new IPC mechanism, plus there are bugs in the alpha1 release that have been fixed.

Not that anything is using the new IPC yet, but I do intend to use it.
For example, I am thinking of working toward removing dependence on ROX-Filer, by a tray applet that displays drive partition icons, replacing the ones currently on the desktop (which is ROX-specific). This new tray-app can easily obtain drive hotplug notifications via the IPC system.

Tags: woof