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Archived old blog

September 09, 2017 — BarryK

I have a few old blogs, that went offline for awhile. They have useful reference and historical information though, and I wanted to put them online as static web pages.

The blogs were run by PPLOG and PE_PPLOG, perl scripts. I recently posted about the current status of PPLOG and derivatives projects:

I have been developing shellCMS, a static site generator, and have used it to manage this site, and blog:

Documentation on shellCMS is here:

And news posts about shellCMS:

The great thing about shellCMS is that it is a static site generator, so my website is pure static html pages, including the blog. So, the blog is already archived.

Yesterday and today, I wrote a couple of scripts to convert my old PPLOG/PE_PPLOG blogs to shellCMS, and that is what you are reading now. This blog archive covers from April 10, 2008, to November 22, 2013, a massive 3,451 posts!

Yep, shellCMS scales extremely well, no need for a database. Try it out at the google speed test site:

Note that although what you are reading now is an archived blog, it is still fully functional, and I could post more to it. However, this is now my current blog:

Barry Kauler

Tags: admin