EmbeddedVectorEditor |
EVE now open source! As from May 24, 2011, the source code for EVE is available, under the GPL v3 license: http://barryk.org/eve/ |
The incredible shrinking vector graphics editor, only 74K bytes. Scan the
FAQ, User Feedback,
User Manual, then download and try EVE — you need to see
the power to believe it.
Now — be prepared to have your socks blown off with the
new Web Edition of EVE!
Conditions of use: Requires Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP |
Web page developers, |
Composite objects library |
Logic gate circuit symbols (AND, OR, etc), gates_library.eve, 6K file. Updated Jan. 7, 2003 -- has some instructions for creating library symbols. |
The logic-gates library (on left) shows basic rules for creating library objects. Here is another EVE diagram, with more examples and instruction on placing single elements into the Elements menu: morecompobjs.eve, (5K file). |
Jorgen Carlsen has developed libraries of electrical symbols. These sequence symbols are an excellent example of professional use of EVE -- sequencetemplate2.eve zipped as sequencetemplate2.zip (40K). |
Flowchart symbols. |
Drawings of windows and buttons, with very useful hints on manipulating elements and composite-objects, lockconfig.eve (8K). Updated Mar. 12, 2003. |
anibuttons.eve (17K) |
Application examples |
Lyn Plan.jpg |
mmbdemo.zip |
clickablemap.eve (13K) |
Incredible! Use EVE as a complete free-layout web-page design tool. See this URL: www.goosee.com/library/ freelayoutwebpage/. ![]() The original (requires v3.49): freelayoutwebpage.eve ![]() |
This is Petr Pejchal's first play with EVE. His boomerang catalog demonstrates animation and hyperlinks. boomerang_catalog.eve (124K). |
EVE is being used to design/ model code and to teach programming. Here
are examples from David Topham, Ocsimize Colin and Norbert Marouschek.
code_design.zip (54K). |
Entertaining! Martin Wolff has been exploring storyboard construction with EVE: slide.eve (10K), balloon.eve (4K). ![]() |
Great! Another one from Martin. This is the classic "Hello world!"
application (+embellishments): hello.eve (only 941 bytes). ![]() |
.com |
Pad file for EVE: