Puppy Linux
Barry Kauler launched Puppy Linux in 2003 and coordinated its progress until
late 2013, when Barry retired and gave control to the "Puppy community",
a group of enthusiastic Puppy developers and testers.
These are the two main sites for information about Puppy Linux:
There are numerous releases of Puppy, created by Puppy-enthusiasts,
however, the "official" releases are announced at these two sites:
There is a very active forum for discussing all things Puppy. Please
note that this forum has a broad agenda, and discussion includes many
sub-projects and Puppy-derivatives and forks:
For those who want to know about the technical side of Puppy, the inner
workings, puppylinux.com (see entry link at bottom of page), has a lot
of background technical detail.
For those who want to get involved in development, or create their own custom Puppy, look here:
Barry still has a "hand in" with Linux distro development, having
created Quirky Linux in 2013, a fork of Puppy. Quirky is a venue for
trying out new, and "quirky", ideas:
And, in 2017, another experimental branch of Quirky, named Easy OS, was created:
To enter the archived puppylinux.com website, please click here:
Puppy Linux main page
(ARCHIVE of puppylinux.com)