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PPM: category translations

October 11, 2012 — BarryK
L18L reported a problem with category names not translated in PPM post-install window:

I have fixed it. Maybe a clumsy way to do it, but it is a fix. Woof commit:


petget category
Username: BarryK
I just tweaked the 'petget' script, fixed a translation: [code]INSTALLEDCAT="`echo -n "$INSTALLEDMSG" | rev | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | rev`" ZINSTALLEDCAT="`echo -n "$ZINSTALLEDMSG" | rev | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | rev`" #121011 if [ "$INSTALLEDCAT" = "none" ];then MENUMSG="<text><label>$(gettext '...note, this package does not have a menu entry.')</label></text>" else MENUMSG="<text><label>$(gettext '...look in') '${ZINSTALLEDCAT}' $(gettext 'in the menu (bottom-left of screen) to run the application.')</label></text>" #121011 fi[/code] That will be in next Woof commit.

Off topic, excuse please
Username: Sage
" Got the whole blast. Wonderful! Bookmarked to play a couple more times. Our Nasty Party could do with hearing this lady in person. Is she planning a visit to Blighty?

On Topic category translations
Username: L18L
"[i]I have fixed it. Maybe a clumsy way to do it, but it is a fix. [/i] Thank you, Barry. I just want to add: Translators update also the 2 scripts in [b]momanager[/b] or the changes will not work.

Tags: woof