Toto Link wifi/ethernet router/repeater
In the Puppy Forum thread where we are testing Quirky Pyro64 0.6,
it was reported that Samba is not working. I wasn't much help, as I had
to admit that I have never used Samba. A bit embarrassing really,
considering what I "do".
Yesterday, decided that the time has finally arrived when I would
setup Samba. First though, I need a little local network. I access the
Internet via my mobile phone, no land line. So, wifi tethering turned on
in my Android phone, no problem connecting to the Internet for any of
my PCs.
I did wonder whether the phone itself could be used as a local wifi
network. That is, each of the PCs connected to the phone being able to
share files between each other. I have read conflicting reports about
whether that is possible.
Anyway, I have an old router, have put it back in service. This is a Toto Link N100R+ V2, picture here:
This is old technology, 150mb/s wifi, 100mb/s ethernet, but OK for now. My model is no longer sold, the latest is N100RE:
On my desk there are two PCs, my midi-tower and Mele mini-PC. The
latter dual-boots Linux and Windows 10, so I plugged it into "LAN1" on
the N100R and powered up, then went to the "" in my
browser. Default login is "admin", "admin".
I clicked "Operation Mode" then the "Wireless ISP" radiobutton. Then
clicked "Wireless" from left side, then "Basic Settings" and the
"ScanAP" button. It detected my phone SSID and chose "WPA2-PSK" and
"CCMP", and entered the password. That's it, had Internet access!
On the Win10 mini-PC, was now connected to the Internet via ethernet.
In the "Setup", looked around a bit, but basically just enabled "Turn
on network discovery" and "Turn on file and printer sharing".
For the midi-tower, plugged an ethernet cable into "LAN2" on the
N100R, and fired up Quirky Xerus64. Fiddled around a bit, but
essentially just ran 01micko's Samba Simple Management.
Over on the Win10 machine, in the file manager, there is "Network" on
the left side. Clicked that, then right-clicked on the right-side and
chose "Refresh". Yay, got "PUPPYPC11067", which is my midi-tower.
Clicking on that, it asked for username and password, which is "root"
and "woofwoof".
Next step is to get it going on Quirky Pyro64...