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EasyOS Xerus64 0.6.8 released

January 05, 2018 — BarryK

The last couple of releases of EasyOS have been the "Pyro" series, built with packages compiled from source in OpenEmbedded. The latest of these is 0.6.6.

Earlier, I was building EasyOS with Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) DEBs, the "Xerus" series, the most recent being 0.6 on October 18 2017:

Some of the testers prefer the Xerus series, due to the large Ubuntu repositories. But also, a couple of testers of the Pyro series have reported system hanging, and I would like to find out if we have the same problem building with Ubuntu DEBs.

So, here it is, a new release of EasyOS Xerus64 (for x86_64 CPUs) version 0.6.8.


Instructions for writing to a USB-drive and booting:

This build has all of the latest features, such as QuickSamba, ready for testing!

If you are a newcomer and want an overview of Easy, go here:

To join in the discussion on the Puppy Forum, go here:

Extra notes, for the specialist:

0.6.8 is built with the 4.14.11 kernel, source, patches and build scripts here:

Easy and Quirky are built with woofQ, a fork of woof2 (from which woof-CE also forked). Here is a tarball of the lastest, used to build Easy 0.6.8:

Have fun!

Tags: easy