EasyOS Xerus64 0.6.8 released
The last couple of releases of EasyOS have been the "Pyro"
series, built with packages compiled from source in OpenEmbedded. The
latest of these is 0.6.6.
Earlier, I was building EasyOS with Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) DEBs,
the "Xerus" series, the most recent being 0.6 on October 18 2017:
Some of the testers prefer the Xerus series, due to the large Ubuntu
repositories. But also, a couple of testers of the Pyro series have
reported system hanging, and I would like to find out if we have the
same problem building with Ubuntu DEBs.
So, here it is, a new release of EasyOS Xerus64 (for x86_64 CPUs) version 0.6.8.
Instructions for writing to a USB-drive and booting:
This build has all of the latest features, such as QuickSamba, ready for testing!
If you are a newcomer and want an overview of Easy, go here:
To join in the discussion on the Puppy Forum, go here:
Extra notes, for the specialist:
0.6.8 is built with the 4.14.11 kernel, source, patches and build scripts here:
Easy and Quirky are built with woofQ, a fork of woof2 (from which woof-CE also forked). Here is a tarball of the lastest, used to build Easy 0.6.8:
Have fun!
Tags: easy