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Right-click-Easy PET

May 07, 2018 — BarryK

Puppy Forum member don570 created this sometime ago, see forum thread:

And a special one for EasyOS:

I have added it to the Easy 'noarch' repository:

I considered adding it to the build of the latest Easy, 0.9.1, however, the '' script uses absolute paths, so is not suitable for woofQ (or any other woof*).

In woof*, the "current directory" is in folder sandbox3/rootfs-complete, whereas in a running pup it is /, when the package is installed.

So, a should always use relative addressing, for example, instead of:

ln -s /destination/somewhere /source/someplace

It should be:

ln -s /destination/somewhere source/someplace
ln -s /destination/somewhere ./source/someplace

Tags: easy