EasyOS version 0.9.10 released
A lovely new version of EasyOS, for computers with 64-bit CPU.
This is what has been named the "Pyro" series and has now reached
version 0.9.10.
Lots of things have happened since 0.9.9, and I recommend browse through the blog posts.
Download from here, kindly hosted by ibiblio.org;
There is a choice, either a USB-image file for writing to a
USB-stick, or an ISO live-CD file. Yes, for the first time, Easy is now
provided as a live-CD, see announcements here:
There is plenty of online documentation on how to write an ISO file
to CD or DVD media, if you need it. If you need help with writing the
USB-image to a USB-stick, see here:
Feedback is welcome, either to the EasyOS forum, or there is a thread on the Puppy Forum:
Note, I have updated the "How and why EasyOS is different" page:
And there is a new tutorial for frugal installation:
Have fun!
Tags: easy