Unmount-all-partitions fixed
There is a bug in easyOS, when try to unmount all partitions.
If you right-click on any of the partition icons on the desktop,
there is a menu option "Unmount ALL mounted partitions". Selecting this,
there is an error message, as it also tries to unmount the
working-partition, which it can't as it is busy.
The fix is in script /usr/local/bin/drive_all. Note, this script gets
copied into /root/.pup_event/drive_* which is the handlers for each
desktop partition icon.
Note, it is /usr/local/pup_event/frontend_change that performs the above-mentioned copy.
I also edited /usr/local/pup_event/frontend_funcs, which creates
/root/.pup_event/drive_*/AppInfo.xml, a file that specifies the
right-click menus on each desktop partition icon.
In frontend_funcs, removed the menu option to unmount a partition if it is the working-partition.
Tags: easy