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Figaro's PM2, xclip, syslinux

April 25, 2008 — BarryK
Figaro's Password Manager 2
A password manager is a gap in the Dingo application suite. Earlier puppies have GTK1 and Tcl/Tk GUI password managers, but I never found a GTK2 version. Until today ...yippee!

Forum member muggins posted about Figaro's Password Manager, but when I followed the link I found it was only a GTK1 application. I tried, was unable to compile against the GTK2 libs.

Then, quite accidentally, I was browsing at, and discovered "Figaro's Password Manager 2", which is a port to GTK2. No Gnome dependencies. Works great. Of course you will find it in the 4.00final.

The author is Aleš Koval and the URL:

Puppy 3.01 has 'xcut' which is a utility that scripts can access to copy/paste the cut-buffers. Very old and limited. Xclip on the otherhand can access the primary or secondary X-selections and the clipboard. Much more useful, and I have placed this in Dingo.

I have upgraded this from version 3.52 to 3.63.


Username: coolpup
New version 1.8.8; important bug fixes.

Username: Pizzasgood
"Speaking of Syslinux, you may want to check out this: Since Syslinux and Isolinux are essentially the same thing, a USB Puppy could pause to allow the user to input optional parameters, just like the LiveCD. That thread also includes modified versions of the install scripts to handle it. Unleashed would still need to be tweaked a little though, IIRC.

Figaro's Password Manager 2 0.71
Username: coolpup
"Latest version

Tags: puppy