Archived old blog
I have a few old blogs, that went offline for awhile. They have useful reference and historical information though, and I wanted to put them online as static web pages.
The blogs were run by PPLOG and PE_PPLOG, perl scripts. I recently posted about the current status of PPLOG and derivatives projects:
I have been developing shellCMS, a static site generator, and have used it to manage this site, and blog:
Documentation on shellCMS is here:
And news posts about shellCMS:
The great thing about shellCMS is that it is a static site generator, so my website is pure static html pages, including the blog. So, the blog is already archived.
Yesterday and today, I wrote a couple of scripts to
convert my old PPLOG/PE_PPLOG blogs to shellCMS, and
that is what you are reading now. This blog archive
covers from April 10, 2008, to November 22, 2013, a
massive 3,451 posts!
Yep, shellCMS scales extremely well, no need for a database. Try it out at the google speed test site:
Note that although what you are reading now is an archived blog, it is still fully functional, and I could post more to it. However, this is now my current blog:
Regards,Barry Kauler
Tags: admin
Comments disabled
All of the action is now at my new blog:
Tags: general
New blog
Here it is:
Anyone can post to the new blog, be sure to get in early to claim your preferred username!
The new blog will be much wider ranging, Puppy Linux related posts will be just one of many topics -- whatever takes my fancy.
Something very interesting is in the pipeline.
Note, "blog2" will become read-only very soon.
Tags: general
SJPPLOG Forum pages:
I installed version 1.6 at my site (hosted by Hostgator), and it works, however there is a disconcerting flicker when rendering -- first the page renders without the stylesheet being applied, then it flips to a view with stylesheet applied.
Whenever I refresh the window or go to a new page in the blog, I get this flipping effect.
So, I tried SJPPLOG 1.5, then went right back to 1.2a, still get it.
I am using SeaMonkey.
So, the problem goes back to how the original stylesheets changes are implemented in SJPPLOG relative to PPLOG.
Next I'll try pe_pplog, which is another enhancement of PPLOG.
"About Barry Kauler"
Mime handling .ts video files
Files with extension .ts are video files, that can be played by the multimedia player.
There is another type of file that also has extension .ts, but we are unlikely to encounter that, as explained here:
Woof commit:
My TV has a USB socket, and will record to a Flash drive. The files get recorded with .ts extension.
Now, I can plug the Flash drive into my laptop, and Puppy displays the files with the "video" icon, and plays them when clicked on.
5-pin MHL to HDMI cable

I searched 5-6 shops this morning, no one sells this, so I ordered it online. Curiously, the company is based in Perth (where I am).
I know that some TVs support NFC, for wireless display from the smartphone, but not my TV.
Notice, it has a micro-USB socket so the phone can be charged at the same time. I am extremely curious about what kind of usability experience this is going to be, along with a Bluetooth keyboard.
WiFi or USB tethering
I was going to get Optus prepaid, however, it seems that things are not so simple. According to this site, Optus prepaid does not support tethering:
...though, it is unclear whether that is only WiFi tethering that is dis-allowed. Hmmm, it seems not:
...Woolworths have a nice prepaid deal, $29 per 45 days, with $250 calls and 5GB data, but strangely disallow tethering -- they use the Optus network.
Optus has this info for USB tethering for the Sony Xperia Z (more advanced model than my SP):
...apparently, from a hardware perspective, the SP also allows USB tethering.
I didn't really want to go to a post-paid plan. Prepaid, with longer expiry time than 30-days and high data allowance, and cheap, is hard to find!