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HomeBank, NoteCase, Osmo, startup-notification_DEV

April 25, 2008 — BarryK
Upgraded from v3.5 to v3.8.

Upgraded from 1.8.1 to 1.8.4.
UPDATE: sigh, I just posted this message, then read a post from coolpup, Notecase is now at v1.8.8, with bugfixes. So I have upgraded again.

Upgraded from 0.1.6 to 0.2.0.



Wow & Thanks
Username: Prit1
Barry, Thanks for all the hard work. For me its even difficult to keep track of all the changes you are making. There are so many topics everyday. I really appreciate all the hard work that you do towards bringing us with this fastest Linux Distro.

OSMO 2.2 available
Username: dogone
"Version 2.2 now available w/many enhancements: * Advanced task reminder and event checker * Importing contacts from SyncML based devices (experimental) * Day notes browser with filtering and searching capabilities * A popup menu in the calendar widget * Alternative view in full year calendar * Day category can be displayed in day info panel * Personal data in calendar can be temporary hidden * A marker for current day with distance metric added * Three new event markers in calendar widget * New commandline options * A lot of improvements and bug fixes * Added Hungarian, Italian, Russian and Chinese translations * Updated German, Czech, French, Polish, Spain and Dutch translations

Tags: puppy