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Delay at Dalwallinu

May 03, 2008 — BarryK
Saturday morning, the timing belt arrived. However the mechanic then found that the valves have been warped. This can happen sometimes when a timing belt fails. Unfortunately that means the head has to be overhauled. Which ain't cheap. It also means that I have to leave the car in Dalwallinu for about a week.

My Dad drove up to Dalwallinu to pick me up, and I arrived in Perth about 8.30pm Saturday night. Ha ha, the head will also be coming down to Perth, to get reconditioned.


.25 still uploading

Puppy adventures
Username: Leon
"Barry, Thanks for your efforts and good luck with your car.

Finally ! :D
Username: happypuppy
"At last - Puppy 2.6.25 is here with *brand-new ALSA drivers* and extended wireless support :) Now to test if this build is going to work with the new integrated HD Audio chipsets. TIP: Use the other ibiblio mirror if you experience slow download speeds.It's about 20x faster than the FTP

Car ..
Username: Prit1
"Barry, Sorry to hear about your car. Hope its fixed soon. I downloaded the .25 kernel and worked fine on my system. Wireless worked only after about 4-5 continuous attempts. Thanks for all the hard work. Regards, Prit

k25 DL & Running
Username: GeoW
" I am posting from the k25 version of Pup 4.00 SC. I had a little trouble getting started: pup_400.sfs not found I finally remembered that for this kernel we need to change to PMEDIA=idesd PDEV1=sda1 but leave the (hd0,0)s alone. Then everything just worked. Great job - thank you Barry! GeoW

Timing chains
Username: Nicolas Ho Taylor
"What they don't tell you in the showroom - when the timing chain/belt fails, there's an ugly *clunk* and your engine is finito. Full of valve stem shards. Unrepairable. It's cheaper to replace it than repair it. This happened to my Camry a couple years ago and the mechanic was stunned to discover the engine was clean.There was a notch in the piston heads designed to avoid the valve stems. I don't know if this is true of current Camrys, or other Toyotas, or any other brand of car. I don't know how to tell the dealer what I want. "I want a car that can survive a timing chain/belt failure". Like that old Camry.

Sound card not detected
Username: dogone
"I've only spent a few minutes with 2.6.25. It booted without difficulty but unlike 2.6.21, does not detect my Chaintech AV710 (Envy based) sound card at boot. The ALSA wizard does not find it either. Sound card works perfectly under .21

ath_pci vs. ath5k_pci
Username: Bosco Bearbank
"Hi Barry, Hope your car's repairs aren't too costly. Please don't abandon kernel 2.6.21 - the ath_pci module works for me whereas the ath5k_pci module in 2.6.25 does not.

Username: kjoe
"Most things work on my pc with 2.6.25 - great job. So far I have only discovered one minor problem with gtkam. Tested it with my Canon PowerShot A620. The program got stuck all the time until I turned of thumbnail view. Then I could access the folder system of my Canon without problems and download the pictures. Thanks a lot for your work. kjoe

Gateway 2K: Boots .25!
Username: GreatnessGuru
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Barry. This Gateway 2000, Pentium MMX, 200 MHz, 64 MB, 200 MB swap, would only boot Puppy 3.96/K. and get Kernel Panics with 3.97-99/K.2.6.21... during boot. Puppy 4.00.SC/K.2.6.25 boots up just fine, upgraded a 3.96 pup_save.2fs it found, and I am typing this from a /puppy400/ frugal install, where I copied the upgraded pup_save.2fs from /puppy396/ during a brief pfix=ram session. I am also very pleased that you updated SeaMonkey a bit to 1.1.8 (I know, 1.1.9 is the current...), also OSMO 0.2.0 and NoteCase 1.8.8, plus some added things 3.96 didn't have. Well done! Thanks again, Eddie Maddox Inwood IA USA NA!

Finally! No more ndiswrapper! (and 25.1?)
Username: samdude9
"Thankyou Barry! *Finally* I won't have to use ndiswrapper :). Good luck fixing the car and sorry for the double post earlier (I was posting from a PDA is my only attempt at an excuse :/). On a side note, is there any chance we could have the kernel in the final? Thanks alot. Sam

Re: pmedia with .25
Username: BarryK
"GeoW, the recognized values for pmedia are: #kernel with /proc/ide... #pmedia= usbflash|usbhd|usbcd|ideflash|idehd|idecd|idezip|satahd|satacd|scsihd|scsicd|cd #kernel without /proc/ide (libata PATA)... #pmedia= usbflash|usbhd|usbcd|ataflash|atahd|atacd|atazip|scsihd|scsicd|cd For the .25 kernel, it's that last line, however if I recall rightly the 'init' boot script is supposed to still handle the old names ok.

Username: Rod
"cambelt breakage damage varies greatly, my experience was: Ford OHC Sierra, no apparent damage,replace belt, drive on. Seat Ibiza, engine totally wrecked, valves and head smashed, piston holed. Could of course be that the cause of the Seat failure was the valve head breaking off, and that jammed the engine causing belt failure. Both breaks happened within about a fortnight. I suspect older designs are more robust.

Tags: puppy