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Puppy logos

May 17, 2008 — BarryK
I have updated my FAQ with the latest information about Puppy logos. Let me know if you think it needs to be changed in any way, such as misleading, incorrect, ambiguous, or whatever.

Basically, this is our core design, thanks to rastapax:

The button design for and for official live-CD releases has been created by rastapax and afgs, with color creation from Feverfew. Here it is in assorted colors, 48x48 pixels:

And again, 96x96 pixels:


Username: dogone
I think you guys have hit on a terrific little logo here. The core design and variations appeal, are simple and makes a statement. "This is Puppy". Commercial concerns can work a dozen people for months before coming up it's equal. Well done!

more colors
Username: Bosco Bearbank
"Don't ask me why, but I just had to add these:

Tags: puppy