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Theme management introduction

June 01, 2008 — BarryK
I've been meaning to do this for many months. When I was working on 4.00 alpha6, January 2008, I had done some major work on theme management. I made notes in the blog, but until now it hasn't all been explained in one place.

Many people are interested in creating themes for Puppy, and they have to scratch around trying to find bits of information here and there. There was a question on the forum yesterday, someone asking how to get started in creating a theme, and that has prompted me to finally sit down and write something. Here it is:


Themes & stuff

better icons
Username: puppymager
"why not use a better icons fof puppy such as dropline new for example? also it could be nice to have a two-tray jwm (very nice look!)

Tags: puppy