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BootManager changes

July 15, 2008 — BarryK
I have removed the checkboxes for doing a serial probe at bootup and for "fast boot". The serial probe is no longer done, and "fast boot" is now unecessary considering how fast boot has become anyway.

I have added support for the new preferred-module PREFLIST variable in /etc/rc.d/MODULESCONFIG. Now there is a simple GUI for choosing a preferred module (see previous blog post).


PSIP ready for testing Kernel
Username: twointo1
"Barry, I know you are moving in the 2.6.26 direction, but works so well with all my hardware and many other Puppy users as well, I was wondering if you could incorporate these new changes into the 3.01 and 4.0 kernel? I am having wireless problems with 3 different wifi adapters - broadcom 4306, ZyDas zd1211rw and 8470-WD Proxim(Orinoco) - none of these work with the kernel, except the 4306, but I have to use ndiswrapper. Thanks for listening.

Echo on zd1211rw
Username: Greg
"Been waiting to see if anyone else has problems with new versions and the use of ZD1211 driver.... I still often use Puppy 2.17 because it works with several of my usb dongels that use the zd driver. Many of the later versions 3 on will load the driver but will not reliably detect locations. Latest alpha 4 will load the drive, auto will not detect locations nor will the Pwireless....some of the alpha's will work with pwireless detecting. I am sure a lot of users have/need the ZD driver. Love the load speed of the new version. Sound seems to work very well... one or two levels bad, sound had problems... I have tested on two or three machines... Keep looking forward.

Tags: puppy