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Xlock fixed

July 23, 2008 — BarryK
One feedback report on 4.1alpha4 is that when click on the 'lock' icon on the desktop, nothing happens. Xlock was upgraded by Nathan, with a nice menu entry and international language support, but the bug is not Nathan's fault, it's mine.

Previously, /usr/X11R7/bin/xterm was a symlink to /usr/bin/rxvt, but I replaced the former with a script. The reason for this was that Xf-prot requires the '-hold' option for xterm, which rxvt does not have, so the script was a workaround. Anyway, my xterm script had a little bug which crashed Xlock, now fixed.

While I as looking into xterm and rxvt, I thought of going over to Urxvt, as it supports more options including '-hold' and also has special support for unicode so is good for internationalisation. Urxvt is very big, but the 'mp' text editor would not run in it -- probably that could be sorted out, but I couldn't see how so just left it at that and decided to stay with rxvt.


Terminal alternative
Username: dogone
Barry, have you taken a look at Sakura. It's got some very nice features, amongst them a tabbed interface. It's GTK2, about 30K with one dependency - libvte. "Sakura is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator with fewer dependencies. Features: * Uses a notebook to provide several terminals in one window. * Adds a contextual menu with some basic options. No more no less. For people that already know GNOME 2 terminal, Xfce4 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, sakura might be the answer."

Urxvt fixed
Username: BarryK
"I found out why 'mp' did not run in Urxvt. /etc/profile has some code that detects if /usr/bin/urxvt exists then sets TERM=urxvt-unicode. I removed that, so that TERM remains as "xterm", and mp is happy. Note, I compiled rxvt 2.7.10, which is the developer version, and turned on support for international languages. Seems to work ok, so have selected that for the next Puppy.

Tags: puppy