4.1.2: XDG menu modification
August 08, 2008 —
Rerwin has submitted a modification to the XDG menu structure, quoting him here:
While implementing a set of MS-file viewer interfaces (menu, OpenWith, default) I concluded that viewers should go into the *Utility category within each menu. I infer that because the ePDFview viewer is in DocumentUtility. (Although Fotoxx is described as a viewer, it is more than just a single-file viewer, so belongs elsewhere.) But I discovered that the Calculate menu does not include the seemingly standard Utility category, which is needed for file-viewers.
This is a request to add the CalculateUtility category to the /etc/xdg/hierarchy and /etc/xdg/puppy-calculate.menu files. That would not affect the menu if no .desktop files are found with that category, so I see no downside.
This affects package 'xdg_puppy'.
If you want to manually upgrade Unleashed 4.1.1:
1. Download to puppy-unleashed/packages:
2. Edit puppy-unleashed/packages.txt and update the entry for "xdg_puppy" from "0.7.6-4" to "0.7.6-5".
Tags: puppy