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September 17, 2008 — BarryK
Pup 4.1beta has both the 'Roaring Penguin' and the 'Pppoeconf' applications for PPPOE connection to the Internet. I put in both as it is still not determined how well, or even if at all, Pppoeconf works.


PPPOE test
Username: fzsolt
I think the two PPPOE applications in the connection wizard are not much confusing, I easily figured out after reading everything in the dialog box. I have not been using PPPOE configuration since my router does that automatically when I need internet access. But yesterday I wired my home PC back directly to the ADSL modem and tried. I tried Pppoeconf with no success. There was no ppp device reported by ifconfig. Then I tried Roaring Penguin (by checking its button in the window of network connection wizard). ppp0 device appeared but I had no internet connection. Then started Roaring Penguin again and set the DNS manually. It solved the problem. I tried this in Hungary. ISP was T-Home (formerly T-Online), modem is D-Link DSL360-T. Automatic setting of DNS works with my SMC router, and also in Knoppix.

Pppoenconf broken, RP-PPPOE works
Username: happypuppy
"Same situation here - pppoeconf doesn't work (no device detected by ifconfig),while RP-PPPOE works on the first try. (on Ubuntu pppoeconf detects the interface and connects properly)

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