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(SP1) Gparted fix

October 25, 2008 — BarryK
Another one bites the dust!

This has been an ongoing problem, not just in Puppy 4.x. On some systems, when Gparted starts up it takes a very long time to scan the drives. In the latest report, the scan went on indefinitely.

The workaround is to provide a drive on the commandline, for example 'gparted /dev/sda', and then Gparted will only scan that drive.

So, I have written a little wrapper GUI, /usr/sbin/gparted_shell, that puts up a list of drives, you select the one you want, then Gparted is executed. It also has the option of scanning all drives.


Slow Starting

Welcome addition
Username: rarsa
"Up to now I've been starting GParted from the command line, Greta forward thinking to solve the problem for the rest.

Re: Vista partition
Username: BarryK
"Ok, I have added the warning about Vista.

Username: tempestuous
"Barry, For 4.1.1 - I just updated 915resolution to support the Intel GM965 chipset. This has been tested by forum member PuppyUSBUser. Also a suggestion about the PREFLIST: the ath5k wifi driver has been widely reported as unreliable under the 2.6.25 kernel. I would give preference to the ath_pci module. Also I would give preference to the new r8101 over the r8169. They claim an overlapping range of pci id's.

Even more bugs to report
Username: happypuppy
"There's a bug in the Puppy Boot Configuration wizard: In the wizard where you manually select additional modules to be loaded at bootup,if you add more than one module in the box at the right, none of those modules will get loaded after a reboot. Instead of adding each module in a separate line,the wizard places all of them in one line as they were additional parameters for the first module. Same for the box where you are asked to specify a parameter for the module.They're all mixed up. A small but annoying little bugger.

RE: BootManager
Username: BarryK
"happypuppy, Huh? That one was solved prior to release of 4.1.1rc. Are you actually testing 4.1.1rc?

Tags: puppy