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(SP1) GPRS message correction

October 17, 2008 — BarryK
The firmware tarball for GPRS has a GUI setup script that can be selected via the 'connect' icon on the desktop. However, it has this text:

"If your GPRS ISP does not require a username/password, you should leave the defaults. If you do not know your ISP's APN or the phone number to dial for connection, you can exit and run this setup program again later (look for 'PGPRS Setup' in the 'Network' menu.) The default APN, \"icecelular\", is correct only for Costa Rica."

But the Network menu currently does not have such an entry. I have modified the message to (in 'pgrps-setup' script):

"If your GPRS ISP does not require a username/password, you should leave the defaults. If you do not know your ISP's APN or the phone number to dial for connection, you can exit and run this setup program again later (click the 'connect' icon on the desktop) The default APN, \"icecelular\", is correct only for Costa Rica."

Forum member 'aarf' reported the above, and also posted this comment:

Further, the wording "If you dont not know your ISP's APN" doesnt belong in this version of linux. people come to this crap with no indication of how or where to find it and they just close it down and go back to windows.

Lloyd Standish, working alone and for no remuneration, has developed this GPRS package. I am insulted by this kind of comment, as Lloyd probably is also. Aarf, if you really want to be helpful, contact Lloyd and work with him to iron out any issues with this package.


Username: lstandish
Thanks Barry for fixing the PGPRS setup program's instructions. Regarding user "aarf's" comment: I know we are trying to keep Puppy Linux easy and a no-brainer as much as possible. However, whenever anyone chooses to connect via GPRS, be it under Windows or Linux, the APN *has* to be provided. There is no getting around it. As I indicated in the instructions,if you don't know the APN for your GPRS service, you can find out from the ISP. Similarly, when you don't know the SMTP email server hostname, you ask your ISP. There is also another way to obtain the APN: there are some webpages that list all or most of the world's GPRS networks and their APNs. I was blown away by the number of such GPRS networks around the world:

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