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Genie tutorial

November 28, 2008 — BarryK
I have made a start, an introduction page:

And a basic tutorial on data types:

UPDATE 28 Nov:
I have expanded the data types page. Some extra explanation is required for declaring strings, arrays and structs, plus I have improved various other areas.
If anyone spots anything wrong, let me know.
UPDATE 28 Nov:


GTK error
Username: logan
There is a minor error in the tutorial it should be valac --pkg=gtk+-2.0 note the + otherwise you will get error: gtk-2.0 not found in specified Vala API directories

genial genie
Username: raymundo dionicio
"This new genie/vala language really looks like a joy to work with. :) ... An itch from a final user: I used to think that when choosing the glue to attach the stack of a distro the preferred tools where the well tested, tempered by use and time.

Vala bugs
Username: BarryK
"I'm writing a tutorial on the various decision statements, for, while, if, etc., and a couple of simple examples failed to compile. That was using the release version 0.5.1 of Vala. I reported one yesterday, a failure to iterate through a dictionary, and that is already fixed in svn. Today I have reported a compile failure for a very simple if ... else example. When that gets fixed I'll upload a new vala .pet package. I'll also hold off uploading the new tutorial until all the examples actually work. This is the price I pay for being on the bleeding edge, a virtually brand new compiler! The main developer Jürg Billeter is very responsive and helpful, so I have faith that whatever bugs I discover will get promptly fixed.

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