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Pmusic upgraded

April 29, 2009 — BarryK
I have upgraded Pmusic from version 0.3.3 to 0.6.0.


Forum is down
Username: happypuppy
The Puppy Forum is falling down, falling down, falling down... The Puppy Forum is falling down, where are you Murga? :)

The forum is still down :(
Username: happypuppy
"Failed to Connect ------------------ The connection was refused when attempting to contact

alt forums
Username: lobster

Alt forums
Username: BarryK

Username: Sage
"Nobody listened last time and now it's happened again. John needs the help and guidance of the most senior and experienced practitioners; the burden is too great for one man. A few platitudes and promises of better things to come are clearly insufficient. There are those with all-day any-day inclusive intercontinental telephone packages which could be used for the extensive discussions and forward planning that would seem necessary. I would be happy for John to use my phone if he cares to visit. This problem is unlikely to go away completely in future whatever short-term expedients are followed. This would be a good moment to stock up on the TamiFlu equivalent for Fora.

Username: JohnMurga
"Should be back shortly ... Gonna try to bring the upgrade forward to the 10th of May, as the current server really seems to have something wrong with it. Sorry for the inconvenience

Tags: woof