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Satellite down

April 09, 2009 — BarryK
My satellite Internet connection is down. I think that I have an account problem. The company I was with, BBNet, went broke and I got transferred to Reachnet. Reachnet was supposed to upgrade my satellite transceiver and finalise my new account after the technician had done the upgrade -- that was late last year, still nothing from them. Only excuses when I phone, about equipment not yet arrived from the USA. BBNet said the same thing back when I was waiting (for over 6 months) for my first connection.

I pay bi-annually, and that has expired, but I was still getting a connection. Anyway, it's not working yesterday and today. I can't be bothered to phone them again, I'll do it after Easter. Bye the way, have a nice Easter celebration everyone!

Right now I'm at the Perenjori Telecentre. I'll just use the Internet for 1 hour. After that, who knows...

Note, I'll be in Perth early-to-mid-week, probably will upload "tpup" evaluation build on Tuesday evening or Wednesday.


A Simple Life
Username: Lobster
Good luck with 'internet cold turkey' . . . oh you will still have dial up :) People think they can not do without broadband, mobile phones, Easter celebrations etc. Things are easier, when life is simpler. Have a great Easter :)

Username: happypuppy
"The Linux 2.6.30-rc1 kernel is very interesting: - ATI R600/700 [b]DRM[/b] support has entered the Linux 2.6.30 kernel (finally!)

Username: 01micko
"Barry, There are many prepaid 3g dedicated broadband services about, using usb and pcmcia modems. Telstra is one of them. I have read that you are in a Telstra only area. Is the area 3G ready? (or 'next G' as Telstra touts.) I use 3G only, (branson, yes as in Sir Dick) speeds are great up and down. May be good for a backup connection. I think rerwin, with help from muggins and others are working on making 3G modems Puppy friendly. There is a dev thread there. Happy Easter.

Username: kirk
"I can get 100K+ downloads using my cell phone. Depends on the cell though. Happy Resurrection Sunday to all.

Is the forum dead???
Username: happypuppy
"What's happening with the Puppy forum? I get a failed to connect - connection refused error.

Murgaship Down?
Username: edoc
"The Murga site appears to be down - I am guessing/praying only a server reboot or something. With all of the madness of governments nationalizing private business and tinkering with economic systems they do not begin to understand one never knows what harm they can do without even intending to. Sigh.

Username: JohnMurga
"Backups are done and stored on a separate secure online location. Unfortunately I am away and hadn't seen this latest issue (which is with the hosting company). I am trying to fix it now. Either way I am going to move the forum to a new server in a couple of months ... It should be at least twice as fast then. Cheers JohnM

Could the forum live without John?
Username: hairywill
"John, I appreciate that you have strategies in place to ensure that the forum survives technical problems. It has been asked before, do you have a mechanism to cope with you personally suffering from a BSOD? Who else has complete access to the data and the ability to rebuild the forum?

Satellite down -
Username: Sage
"- one hopes not, however:

SCSI booting Kernels
Username: Aitch
"Hi Barry SCSI will not go away, however a question has arisen SHS said "From what Aitch writes above, I gather Barry has not continued to supply SCSI-boot-capable alternate kernels with each new Puppy release" I replied, "Not quite what I meant, sorry, as I don't KNOW what Barry has done - I haven't tried any of the later 4 series builds, as I'm still hopeful big_bass is going to get a good slackpuppy working which will have full scsi booting capability I haven't read in Barry's blog of much interest in scsi, sadly No scsi booting capability is a great loss to Puppy IMHO" So, I don't know if you did release the scsi kernels as suggested, if spup, or if T2 builds do/will have scsi boot capability Please, please keep it in! Happy Easter Thanks, Aitch

Username: BarryK
"Aitch, No, I haven't forgotten SCSI booting. All of my attention has been on the Woof build system, not what Puppy is going to be next. There are others who are suggesting various improvements, but I still haven't got much beyond a "412 lookalike", apart from the package manager. However, I do plan to shift emphasis soon, and a SCSI-bootable kernel is definitely on the agenda. I will also bring in other infrastructure improvements, such as rerwin's modem detection work.

ARO Here...
Username: Bruce LeGrande - KB6LWN
"ARO here... Just losing my IAP (satellite - HughesNet) either today or tomorrow, and I'd like to hear more about the hardware necessary for 'Amateur Satellite Packet'. I am familiar with KA9Q (net, nos, jnos, etc) and the basic principles of TCP/IP over RF (mostly VHF links), and am the section coordinator for my block of IP's. I'm going to be searching out my old VHF hardware in the next couple days, to see if any of it is operational. I also have access to a couple old C-Band parabolas with steerable 'polar mounts' (from C-Band use), so I wouldn't be able to "track" any sats, but if there are any GeoSync birds and I can locate some cheap (meaning free) feeds, LNAs and receivers, perhaps I can cobble something together. My snailmail address is good in the callbook and on qrz. If anyone has thoughts on this, or unused related equipment that hey want to be rid of, please drop me a line. And I'll also be monitoring 28,350.00 kHZ (phone) more often now. Currently running a bloated SPUP v5.3.1 on a Dell Dimension 2400 - 2.4 Ghz Intel Celeron 1.5GB RAM. Have an old MFJ TNC laying around, but not sure if it works. 73 - Bruce

Tags: woof